TickCheck will be closed for tick testing Monday, 2/24 thru Friday 2/28 as we relocate back to our location at 562 Independence Rd. Ticks received 2/21 or later will be process after the closure, please consider expedited shipping for a 2/20 arrival. Thank you!


Causative Agent
Mycoplasma fermentans & Mycoplasma spp.
Type of Organism
Bacterial Species
Length of Attachment for Transmission

Initial Symptoms

  • Severe fatigue, headache, joint pain and swelling, muscle pain, and nausea.
  • Neuropsychiatric problems in some patients including anxiety, insomnia, emotional volatility, memory loss, and lack of concentration.
  • Immunocompromised individuals are at greater risk for more severe infections.

Diagnosis and Testing

  • Polymerase Chain Reaction may assist in diagnosis by detecting the presence of Mycoplasma species DNA in serum.
  • Antibodies specific for Mycoplasma species can be detected using ELISA tests.

CDC Treatment Recommendation

Please consult with your physician for treatment information.

Disease Pathogenesis

  • Mycoplasma species can infect a tick on its own but is most commonly seen as a co-infection with Borrelia species. This is because it is an opportunist organism that has a better chance of causing disease if the host is already co-infected with something else.
  • Mycoplasma fermentans is a common Mycoplasma species that is seen in ticks and will invade multiple cell types and trigger an immune response. The immune response is known to cause most of the damage and symptoms of infection.
  • Due to its structure and other characteristics, Mycoplasma species are resistant to many types of antibiotics.
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