Rocky Mountain Wood Tick (Dermacentor andersoni)
Did you just find a Wood Tick on yourself or a loved one?
TickCheck can test your tick and determine whether it carries the bacteria that transmit Lyme and other tick-borne infections.

Rocky mountain wood ticks (Dermacentor andersoni) are found primarily in the Rocky Mountain are in states such as: Nebraska, South Dakota, Arizona, New Mexico, and California.
Rocky Mountain wood ticks can be distinguished by their red or brown color, and tear dropped shaped bodies. While females have a white colored shield, males have gray and white spots.

Rocky Mountain wood ticks can live for a total of 1-3 years and have 3 stages in a life cycle. Rocky Mountain wood ticks are dependent upon mammalian hosts in all 3 stages of life in order to survive.
Rocky Mountain wood ticks are responsible for transmitting the causative agents of Rocky Mountain spotted fever, which can be transmitted to human hosts.